Using my license code on another computer

Can I use my license code for my Endnote Desktop on another computer?

The simple answer is yes.

Here is some additional information:

For each single-user license purchased (this would include Upgrade licenses, Student version, and the Full version, not Volume or Site license versions), EndNote™ can be installed on up to three computers for exclusive use by the license holder, which is always a single individual person with one email address. Single-user EndNote X7 and later licenses allow for these three installations to be any combination of Windows and/or Mac.

You can register only one EndNote online account for the sync process, and setup a single email and password for EndNote online. For any additional questions about licensing, you can contact our Sales Department.

We have this information on our website:

Hello again,
Thank you for clearing that up for me but I have one more question if you don’t mind. How do I install endnote on my other computer without paying the subscription fee?

Thank you,

You can download the software from our website at any time from the following link:

You will need your Product Key to install which will be in the confirmation email of your purchase of EndNote.

If you need help locating your Product Key please contact us for help.