What’s the deal with EndNote 21?

Hello all! This is Gillian with the EndNote team. We are so grateful to have such a great, engaged community here. We read everything, even if we don’t always interact with it. Many of the things that we have added or addressed in patches to EndNote 20 we did because this community suggested it. So first and foremost, thank you for being here!

It seems as though this past weekend someone stumbled across a not-yet-ready-for-primetime web page regarding the upcoming EndNote 21, and posted it here. However, that page and the details on it are yet to be finalized, so regretfully we had to remove the post. We usually don’t remove things here — good or bad, we want the community to have a voice! — but in this case the details are still in flux and we don’t want to cause confusion if and when things should change. But here’s a couple things we can definitely share:

  1. Yes, EndNote 21 is coming this spring! We are very excited to share it with you. More to come on more specific release timing and also the feature set. We’ll make sure this community are some of the first to know.

  2. Yes, there will be a preorder period with a discount! Look for more details on this in the next week or two.

Stay tuned… and happy citing!

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