Word 2010 and EndNoteX5 - invalid class string

I can’t use EndnoteX5 with my Word 2010 (32 bit version) because of “Invalid class string”. It was OK with EndNoteX1. Recently I upgraded to EndNoteX5 and since then word does not communicate with Endnote.

I have administrator permissions

I started EndNoteX5 and then Word (in right order)

I run endnote.exe as administrator

The Endnote X5 is updated to X5.0.1 (Bld5774)

Could somebody help me to fix this problem?


Did you try this from the knowledge base

EndNote X1 and later on Windows 7/Vista

  1. Close all open programs.
  2. Go to the EndNote program folder. This is typically
    C:\Program Files\EndNote XX
    C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote XX
    Where XX represents your version of EndNote
  3. Right click on EndNote.exe and select “Run as administrator.”
  4. With EndNote open, click on the Start Menu. In the search box type “regedit” (without quotes) and hit enter on your keyboard to launch the Registry Editor.
  5. Expand the “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT” folder and locate the key:
    “EndNote11.AddinServer” (for X1)
    “EndNote12.AddinServer” (for X2)
    “EndNote13.AddinServer” (for X3)
    “EndNote14.AddinServer” (for X4)
    “EndNote15.AddinServer” (for X5)
  6. Right Click on the AddinServer key and select Permissions.
  7. Click Advanced. Then click Add.
  8. In object name, type “Everyone” (without quotes) and click Ok. If you see “Everyone” listed here already, select that and click OK.
  9. In the Permissions entry window, go to the Delete row. Click Deny and then choose OK.

10. Close the Registry Editor and close EndNote.
11. Start EndNote and Word normally.

I did everything what was suggested. A small problem was that permission settings in Windows 7 look differently than on picture (at least in my computer). Anyway, finally the message “invalid class string” changed to “the requested operation requires elevation”. So, I am also running word as administrator now and everything looks OK now. Thank you.

