I’m trying to switch from using Mendeley to EndNote.
There doesn’t seem to be a Working paper reference type in EndNote. I use APA 6th - what reference type should I use for a working paper?
Also, I think because there’s no ‘Working paper’ reference type in EndNote, when I’ve imported my Mendeley library, all the working papers have been assigned random reference types (like “Figure” or “Case”). Is there any way to quickly change the reference type of multiple documents in EndNote?
What exactly is a working paper and how would its bibliography listing, usually look? What fields are you using? Is it a techinical article, more like a journal or chapter type record? In what field of study do you work? science, humanities, etc?
I find it hard to believe that endnote mentor does not know what a working paper is. I am workin gin sociology and a working paper is usually an interrum research report or a paper published by a faculty or research group of a university, for example. Commonly the working paper is part of a series of working papers, usually number from 1 onwards. As the author of the query noted, Mendeley offers working paper reference formatter. So, why not endnote?
I am a user, I am a scientist, I have used Endnote for 20 odd years, I have answered lots of questions and so the software makes me a “mentor” – but it doesn’t make me all knowing. sorry
A working paper is not an unpublished work. Actually it is published on University websites. I wonder how should I cite it? Even google scholar is unable to show it in its research.
I would then look to modifying the unpublished style to include the “source” – you need to know what info needs to be recorded and displayed. If would help if you provided an example of what information you expect to see in the reference list?
I believe a “report” is the best match, I think however that EndNote should also include the option “Working paper” as they are usually writen by authors to share ideas about a topic or to elicit feedback before submitting to a peer reviewed conference or academic journal.
I believe “report” is the best match, I think however that EndNote should include the option “Working paper” as they are written by authors to share ideas about a topic or to elicit feedback before submitting to a peer-reviewed conference or academic journal.