300 page document WORDCOUNT?

Hi all

I need to do a word count on a 300 page document, without including the end note (intext) refs. Is there an easy way I can do this? I tried switching to a style that would not imput refs but Endnote froze and became unresponsive, which I am guessing is because I have a huge amount of references…

Any ideas?

Is there a way to easily remove ALL references? so I can do a proper word count?

Many thanks

Why without refs - most count them in the word count?  Anyway, first make a copy.  then you could use a numbered style and try turning off the hyperlinks when you reformat.  or the solution tried – it really should work.   If you still have a problem, I would suggest contacting tech support. 

Thank you Leanne

Could you point me in the direction of a numbered style and how to not assign hyperlinks?

Basically I want this:

In 1952, the booklet was expanded and published as a 55-page supplement in Psychological Bulletin with revisions made in 1957 and 1967 (APA, 1952, 1957, 1967). The first edition covered word choice, grammar, punctuation, formatting, journal publication policies, and “wrapping and shipping” (APA, Council of Editors, 1952, p. 442).

to look like this:

In 1952, the booklet was expanded and published as a 55-page supplement in Psychological Bulletin with revisions made in 1957 and 1967. The first edition covered word choice, grammar, punctuation, formatting, journal publication policies, and “wrapping and shipping”.

so MS Word will not count those extra 12 words. It counts all in-texts refs as word count.

Thank you so much.

To give precise directions I would need to know wordprocessor and version and endnote and version- find the edit bibliography dialog and the turn off hyperlinking is a tick box and change the style to "numbered?

Thank you Leanne. I am on Word 2010 and endnote 4.02 build 5149.

Many thanks