My platform: MacBook Air, software version 10.7.5 (Lion)
Word 2011 for Mac software version 14.1.0
Endnote X 6.0.2
My Problem: After starting Word a small window pops up “A COM exception has occurred - Dieser Befehl ist nicht verfügbar (This command is not obtainable / valid)”. After hitting “OK” it takes about 3 seconds and the same window pops up again. This means: I’m not able to work on my term paper with Word any longer, because I’ll alway have to hit “OK”.
What I figured out so far:
#1: The EndNote command tool bar is not visible (i.e. it does not appear anywhere on the screen).
#2: On the very left side of the EndNote window (EndNote software is running and open) the little .doc-file is not longer visible (in Local Library Mode where you can see “all references”, “unfiled”, “trash”, and so on). Before the problem occurred, I was able to see a small .doc-icon with the file name I was working on and a number of used citation in brakets at the end.
#3: I rebooted all programms and the whole Mac at least two times and the problem doesen’t vanish.
#4: I went through the procedure “EndNote X6 → Costomizer… → CWYW installed box ticked”
#5: I moved the “EndNote CWYW Word 2011.bundle” of the folder “Applications->Microsoft Office 2011->Office->Startup->Word” into a special backup folder (so that “…->startup->word” is empty) and underwent #4.
#6: I haven’t any comments in my Word document nor have I “track changes” on (i. e. I’m not using any of these features).
#7: When I scroll within my Word doc, the “A COM exception has occurred” doesen’t appear. This is due as long as I keep scrolling. Same for hitting and browsing the menu bar.
None of these operations affected the problem.
Additional information: A day ago I updated my OSX-System from 10.7.4 to 10.7.5. I’m not completely sure, but I think it may cause the whole problem because before that all went well and without any trouble.
@ Thomson Support: I appreciate any kind of help. I’m totally desperate…
Is there anybody, who had this problem and was able to tackle it?