I need the reference style to appear as it appears in PubMed AMA format for epub. In order to attain that, under filed substitition i perform the below change:
If the Volume and Pages fields are emptry, use:
|. Published Online Year Date
But i need “Published Online Year Date” to appear after title and not after Journal name. How will i be able to do that. Kindly help!
I was just about to post this suggestion. Please, Clarivate, can we add this to the next EndNote update? As increasingly more journals move away from page numbers to article numbers, there needs to be a way to reflect this in the output styles.
In the Output Style editor, there should be an option under Field Substitutions to use the Article Number field if the Pages field is empty. The existing “If the Volume and Pages fields are empty” option does not work as most journals using an article number in place of page numbers still include a volume number.
I would like to see an option that says “If the Pages field is empty, use:” “Article Number”