Adding a citation to a footnote using EndNoteX4 in Office 2011 for Mac

Dear All,

I was attempting to insert a citation in a Word document as a footnote, but I’ve been having a problem.

When I insert the citation, it lists the entire reference (author, year, title, journal, pages, etc.).

All I really want to do is add the abbreviated citation, but it does not appear to be working.

Alternatively, is there a way to add a citation just to the references page that in the main document?


the footnote behaviour is defined in the output style you are using.  It can be like the bibliography, like the citation, or with footnote templates.  See attached GIF for these settings under Footnote templates.  If you change this, you should save the style to a new name, and then make sure your manuscript is using that output style. 


Depending on which version of endnote, you can add a citation just to the references page that in the main document.  Either insert the ref and format it as hidden text  (any version) or hide both the author and year via edit citation in X4 and ealier, or by the option in X5, that only shows it in the bibliography.