Hi, I was wrong with my issue ! In fact, the short title appears in the first reference but not on the second reference by the same author.
1. JIMÉNEZ ADOLFO J. MARTIN, OECD/International - Value Creation: A Guiding Light for the Interpretation of Tax Treaties?, 74(4/5) Bull. Int’l Tax’n (2020),
→ Footnote: JIMENEZ, Value creation, p. 54
2. JIMÉNEZ ADOLFO J. MARTIN, Recent Developments on the Nexus Rules to Tax Business Profits at Source, in: Lang Michael / Petruzzi Raffaele / Storck Alfred (eds.), Recent Transfer Pricing Developments Around the World 2018, The Netherlands 2019, 193-237.
→ Footnote: JIMENEZ, p. 567
However, I would like that the short title appears in each footnote, when there are several reference by the same author.
So it should disambiguate (is that a word?) according to the settings in the footnote section. I don’t have any easy way to invent some records to test it though. I rarely use footnotes, so I am not the best advisor on this.