APA 6th

Hello EN Help Staff

I have an ongoing problem with my in text citations in Word 2010. I have several references that have authors with the same surname. I have cut and pasted sentences with the references in the second attachment. Endnote seems to do this correctly in some instances. However, some of the references were written by a husband and wife team who both use the surname: Schell. Occasionally their names are single, or in a different author order in the reference or both with other authors. As I understand the APA manual Section 6.14 p 176 where there are publications by two or more primary authors with the same surname the first author’s initials must be included in all text citations. EN does not seem to follow this directive. I have also just retyped all the problematic references thinking it may have been extra spaces as per other inquiries. Any suggestions? Thanks, LeanneS.

APA 6th.ens (62.3 KB)
Endnote issues for authors with the same surname.txt (4.51 KB)

Not Help staff here (but am the “Leanne” who prevented you from using that username!) To get them, it is most efficient to use the tech support contct via http://endnote.com/support/contact-support.

 I see what you mean.  I work with a husband and wife team, and it appears that endnote only includes the initials if one of the team is first author.  Otherwise it is just uses the author surnames.  Even when I introduced additional random initials in some of the other citation references.  This does seem to go against the style requirements.