Apple Pencil for annotation

Dear Endnote Team

Having the possibility to immediately annotate all your PDF references on your iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil is extremely appealing. Paperless is the new way to go and the Endnote app should, in theory, provide the gateway to productivity 2.0.

However, Apple Pencil support is virtually non-existant in the app and exporting PDFs back into the app after annotation with another editor is deeply unsatisfying, to say the least.

I strongly recommend to implement full support of the Apple Pencil into Endnote for iPad and to do so with a sincere and palpable effort (not a sloppy, so-so integration, as is the case with some other apps). That would immensely boost the value of your app and demonstrate your acknowledgement of digital annotation that is coming at a rapid pace.


A recommending user.