I have posted this before and still can’t find a resolution after a lot of suggestions. I have exhausted all the material provided by endnote and other endnotes users. Please stay with me while I explain so you can understand the problem and won’t need to ask any more questions and waste your valuable time repeating what I have been told and what I have already investigated. I even was given out of post assistance. So for this reason it is lengthy
I exhausted all the material in the endnote u tube videos and the endnote knowledge base itself - with videos plus contacted universities that use thisstyle but they don’t use footnotes, just in text citations. Nothing explains my problem; although there is a reference to say that my problem exists and endnote itself does not address it. I need a way around it- a step by step and with screen shots. I really think this is a very big exclusion and think that an endnote tech should be able to provide me with a work a round. I shouldn’t be facing this problem. At the end of the post I show how one solution was given but may have been for an older versions and presumes prior knowledge of using Word styles templates and explains how I tried to work with this solution.
Just to put you in the picture I am writing a book using Chicago manual 16 footnote style using endnote 5 with Word 2007 win 7, 32 bit. I am using Chicago as my book fits into the social sciences ie history and I am familiar with the style. I am doing chapters at a time that are not in order. I am using the raised number in the text citation and will include a bibliography at the end of the book or maybe chapter I haven’t decided as some of the source material will be reused in subsequent chapters.
MY PROBLEM. I have been unable to make permanent changes so that my footnote appears in footnote as a number plus space or two. i.e. 12. Author, and not a raised number. So currently it appears as in the text, with a raised number and in footnotes in the same format. (I was able to change to allow this to happen) .I would change the citation style but I am not familiar with any other styles and I am having to-do all the journals and newspapers manually and these form the bulk of my references. My library is not completely compatible although I can pick up part of the journal and put into endnote. This is a major problem with how my state library has set out their resources and may not be a problem for other users. The articles are from a source that is only kept in the State Library. Plus the journal that provides me with articles has changed its name three times over the period I am using so that in itself is a pain.
What has prompted me to re visit the issue is that I have just been to my typesetter as she originally said she could work with it after previously saying she could work with endnotes, but I really doubted it so I didn’t try and pursue my problem further. She now says she will have to redo all resetting on pages manually and I can’t afford this, plus if she makes a mistake I may not pick it up. She can’t pick up my footnote text with her software programme. The chapter I gave her wasn’t completed and I was up to 300 footnotes. It is important that my reader sees immediate explanations that may not be the same as previously written material as there has been a lot of misinformation. I can just see them jumping up and down when they read the book and it is not the same as other sources that are not primary sources. Otherwise I would do endnotes and may have to if I can’t resolve my problem.
The only solution I saw (mentioned at the beginning) involved changing Word’s style template and rhe link was sent to me from this forum and it was the only one that addressed the problem. It just didn’t make sense to me as I have had no experience in changing style templates in Word. The article presumed prior knowledge and may have been for an earlier version. I really did try to understand it but none of the instructions made sense no matter how hard I tried. I read up on styles and there were fields that were never explained… Maybe it was for an early version of word. I looked to Word resources for an explanation on how to change templates in styles and they were also obscure and didn’t explain what each field was for. I went on the Word forum but still couldn’t see how I can make the changes necessary for endnote to make permanent changes in the footnote. The forum members were not knowledgeable on the subject and after one or two posts “teaching grandma…” no one answered. I am still faced with problems with the typesetter as she wants me to put footnotes in my text!!! So she doesn’t understand the process. I am desperate for an explanation that at least shows screenshots.
Can someone please help with a “dummy guide” for doing this please?
There was s an endnote seminar in my town recently but it is was too expensive for me and covered information that is not relevant to me. My only need for endnote is in the actual citations in the book.
I am at the end of my tether so hope this will be picked up by endnote developers or sent to them.
Begging your assistance please?
I will really appreciate further assistance. I tried to find the author of the only solution I found but there wa nothing fore on the subject.