Author (Year) citation in Endnote Web?


Is it possible to insert an Author (Year) citation using Endnote Web?

I am aware this is available in the desktop version of Endnote and, until recently, it was an option in Endnote Web (although it did not work). The version of Endnote Web (CWYW; Windows XP, Word 2003) that I downloaded and installed today appears not to have this option at all.

It’s a very common citation style, and I’ve just had to spend a couple of hours messing around to make it work and then apply it to several dozen citations. I ended up excluding the author and then typing it in manually but that’s not a very good solution because the formatting of “author” (e.g…, italicized) varies across journals so would need to be updated manually when refomatting for another journal.

If there is a better solution (especially an official one that I’ve missed) I’d appreciate knowing about it.

Thank you!


Hello Mark,

Currently EndNote Web can only produce an Author(Year) type citation using the Edit Citation option of excluding the author.

The function you saw in the Edit Citation to Author(Year) format is only available in the desktop version of EndNote.

Our development team is aware of the issue but I have not heard of a time frame on when this feature will be available in EndNote Web.

I would be glad to forward your comments to our development team for consideration. You can also submit a request in the Product Suggestion group on the forum.

This is the best way to make your voice heard when it comes to anything you may want to see included in the software. While messages sent through this forum are rarely returned, each one is read by our development staff for consideration for future program updates. We appreciate your comments and your willingness to help make our products better for all users.

Hi Tony,

Thanks for your reply. It’s strange, I had a version of Endnote web installed that did offer the Author (Year) format, but it didn’t work and then in the latest release this option was deleted.

The workaround is okay, but it would nice to have this option enabled in the web version of Endnote. Thanks for passing along the suggestion.

Best wishes,
