I know this thread is really old, but unfortunately the problem persists! See below for my AutoHotKey code to run Find Reference Updates and press only Update Empty Fields when available. Since I spent enough time on it, I figured I should share in case anyone else is having the same problem.
; This AutoHotKey script performs the following actions:
; 1. Checks that EndNote is open
; 2. Initiates “Find Reference Updates” for selected publications
; 3. Checks for the existence of a “Review Available Updates” window, then activates that window
; 4. Automates the acceptance of empty field changes for each record, or skips records with no “Update Empty Fields” option
; To use:
; 1. Turn off EndNote’s A)“We were unable to find a reliable match for this record” error, and B) “No updates were found at this time.” error
; 2. Select desired publications to update
; 3. Open or reload this AutoHotKey file
; 4. Press ctrl-shift-f (f for find!)
; This script written by Melissa Day
SetTitleMatchMode,1 ; title must begin with String
IfWinExist,EndNote ; make sure EndNote is open first
Send !r ; press alt r to access the references menu
Send {f 3} ; press f 3x to access “Find Reference Updates”
Send {ENTER} ; enter to choose
sleep,200 ; wait
SetTitleMatchMode,2 ; title must contain string
IfWinExist,Review Available Updates ; wait for correct window
; WinWaitActive,Review Available Updates ; alternative
; If WinActive(“Review Available Updates”) ; alternative
; MsgBox, Active-Review Available Updates ; checkpoint
ControlGet, status_UEF , Enabled, , Update Empty Fields ->
ControlGet, status_skip, Enabled, , Skip
; MsgBox, UEF #%status_UEF% & skip #%status_skip% ; checkpoint
;;;;; If Update Empty Fields button is available, click it & save
If (status_UEF = 1) {
ControlClick, Update Empty Fields ->, Review Available Updates
sleep,1000 ; wait (length is important here)
ControlClick, Save Updates, Review Available Updates
sleep,1000 ; wait
;;;;; If Update Available Fields isn’t available, click Skip instead
else if (status_UEF = 0) and (status_skip = 1) {
ControlClick, Skip, Review Available Updates
;;;;; If Update Available Fields AND Skip aren’t available, click Cancel
else if (status_UEF = 0) and (status_skip = 0) {
ControlClick, Cancel, Review Available Updates
sleep,3000 ; wait for entry to advance
;;;;; To thwart screensaver in case of long runs
MouseMove, 1, 0, 1, R ; Move the mouse one pixel to the right
MouseMove, -1, 0, 1, R ; Move the mouse back one pixel