I’m using EndNote X4 and have some questions regarding the bibliography.
FIrst: I need to put all the references in the following order:
Primary Texts
Secondary Texts
Within the secondary texts, seperate the internet sources from all other types and then order everything alphabetically.
Now, I have no idea how to accomplish that since a) the references are not marked as ‘primary/secondary’ nor ‘internet’, the internet sources contain a variety of types (journals, magazines,…) and even some of the primary texts are sometimes from internet sources, which then of course shall still be listet as primary sources, not internet sources.
b) even without all teh problems in a), I’d still have no clues how to influence output order^^
Second: I need the layout to fit the rest of my text, font-type, font-size and borderwise, plus have a hanging indent in all but the first lines of each entry. The title “bibliography” however has to be formatted as Title1 so my automated table of contents will include it. So far I somehow managed to change the title, but of course it changed the formatting of the entire fiels. So now every single reference ends up in the table of contents *argh* and I have no clue how I even did that^^
So …help? Please?
Thanks all, Sheri