Bibliography layout and sort order

When you inserted your bibliography and assigned a header to it, that was probably the last paragraph in your document.  The subsequent bibliography when generated, adopted that “header” style and thus ended up in your table of contents.  You need to add another paragraph after the Bibliography and make sure it is normal (you can even try applying the formating that you want the bibliography to adopt). 


Settings that will be applied to the bibliograpy include the hanging indent (in the layout tab of the Format bibliography menu) and in the output style, Bibliography, Layout section, hanging indent can be chosen at the lower right hand corner.  For many more details, you can look at this sticky noted thread


sheriam wrote:


I’m using EndNote X4 and have some questions regarding the bibliography.


<deleted bit CrazyGecko responded to so eloquently!)


Second: I need the layout to fit the rest of my text, font-type, font-size and borderwise, plus have a hanging indent in all but the first lines of each entry. The title “bibliography” however has to be formatted as Title1 so my automated table of contents will include it. So far I somehow managed to change the title, but of course it changed the formatting of the entire fiels. So now every single reference ends up in the table of contents *argh* and I have no clue how I even did that^^


So …help? Please?


Thanks all, Sheri