British Education Index (BEI) via Proquest Dialog Datastar

Dear All,

We are having trouble importing from BEI - either nothing is imported, or some details are omitted.  Have tried the export to EndNote option, and also RIS.

Does anyone else have this problem or know of a solution?    I have checked for an updated import filter but I think the on the EndNote website is the one we have.



Keith Nockels

University of Leicester Library, UK

I think the problem was that we were exporting in “Results listing only” format, which exports only titles.

If you choose another format, it seems to work ok.

Either choose “Open” when prompted about the RIS file, and it will be imported, or choose “Save” and then import into EndNote with RefMan RIS filter.


knockels wrote: 

Either choose “Open” when prompted about the RIS file, and it will be imported, or choose “Save” and then import into EndNote with RefMan RIS filter.

One is only given this option with some browsers, and sometimes it goes away, if one inadvertently clicks on it the first time and instead applies the equivalent of “don’t show this message”.  Reacquiring the option is too, browser specific. 

(added in edit, but sometimes the easiest way to get around it, is to download and use a different supported  browser.)

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