Cannot access my online reference library from Word

Hi, it looks like I’ve downloaded the CWWY plugin ok, and have my online references all set up, but when I click on Insert Citations, and then type in any keyword, nothing happens. It seems as though it’s not connecting on my online library.
I’ve made sure to select “Endnote Online” in Preferences, is there a specific web address I perhaps need to put in there? I currently have
Please advise

I am also having this problem with EN21: CWYW tabin word looks fine but won’t connect to a library and can’t find any references to insert. Within the EN library the insert ref option is greyed out.

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Hi there, my issue finally got resolved by me calling Endnote support, and they conceded that the most current online version has a bug and they sent me a rolled back CWWY plugin installation file, which works fine. So, I suggest giving them a call, they were completely aware of this issue and resolved it right away.

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Pity they did not post an announcement here saying that?
Then we would all know. Is there a section for announcements and or bug fixes that I missed?


It is a pity! I spent a whole day trying to figure it out on my own and thinking I was crazy. Should’ve just called them from the get-go. Would be nice if there was a section for announcements/bugs/fixes… it doesn’t exist as far as I can tell.