When EndNote adds a data file (PDF) for some strange reason it creates a folder named with the PDF file name.
…\MyEndNotesLibrary.Data\PDF\Leverett_Testimony-“The Geopolitics of Oil And America’s International Standing”-2706297365
This creates the problem of long file path names in Windows.
But it creates another problem too, since although according to EndNote help:
“Note: In order to maintain cross-platform compatibility, any of the following characters in a filename will be replaced by an underscore when EndNote saves a copy of the file in the DATA\PDF folder with a relative path.”
But only a small number of such illegal characters are stripped out:
These characters are replaced with an underscore | |
\ |
(back slash) |
/ |
(forward slash) |
: |
(colon) |
* |
(asterisk) |
? |
(question mark) |
" |
(quotation mark) |
< |
(less than) |
> |
(greater than) |
| |
(vertical bar) |
In the above file path example, the “curly” quotes create a problem and you cannot add, for example, data file folders with those characters to a compressed folder.
There is only on way around this issue:
save a copy of the attached PDF and rename it without using illegal characters
delete the attachment from EndNote
save the change
re-add the re-named attachment to EndNote
save the change
A very very painful process when you stumble upon this issue after happily accepting original file names for years!!
The problem could have been avoided if EndNote simply created a PDF foldername based on the underlying record ID for example (I guess in the above example, say …\PDF\ 2706297365_0001{filename stirpped of illegal chars}.pdf)