Cannot insert parenthetical citation into an _endnote_. Endnotes X4 (v. 4.0.2)

I am running Endnote X4 version 4.0.2 Build 5149 with MS Word 2010. I am using the “Turabian Reference List”  style. I am writing my dissertation for a PhD. in Intercultural Studies.

It is quite common to cite works in _endnotes_ (not footnotes). They must be cited in proper parenthetical style. However, when I try to insert a citation into an endnote (which MS Word 2010 puts at the very end of the document), Endnotes X4 expands the note into the full text of the “References Cited”  (bibliography) entry!

I have developed a very clunky workaround for now:

  1. I inserted a temporary extra page near the end of my Word 2010 document, _before_ the References list Endnotes X4 is automatically building.

  2. I put on this page a citation for any works I need to cite in my documents actual endnotes. This ensures that the works appear in my “References Cited” list.

  3. Then, in the actual endnotes, I am just typing in the parenthetical citation manually, as static text.

  4. Then I will remove the temporary page, after I’ve converted all my citations and bibliography into static text, but before I print the document.

Oh, brother, what a nuisance! Will some software engineer please fix this problem?!


The Turabian Reference List style only formats bibliography entries so you should try the Turabian Bibliography style instead which includes a footnote template and bibliography. You will probably want to modify the footnote template to insure that the parenthetical format matches what you are manually entering for the endnotes. 

 - Mathilda, the EndNote team