I don’t seem to be able to move references to the trash. I’ve never had this problem before. I’m using Endnote X2 on a PC. I’ve tried dragging, Control D, control X, and using the drop down menu from ‘References’ with no luck. I’ve also closed the library and restarted my computer.
Does the problem with just this particular library or with other libraries as well? (If the problem is limited to one library it may indicate something wrong with the library file.)
What is the computer’s operating system (e.g. Windows XP, Vista, etc.)?
The problem is happening with only one particular library – in which I had previously been able to move refs to trash.
My other Endnote libraries are all working OK – i.e. I can move refs to trash.
The computer’s operating system is Windows XP V 5.1.
I’ve just upgraded to X2.0.3.
I don’t know whether the library is in a protected folder – as I’m not sure what this means. However, the library sits in a folder with several other Endnote libraries that are all working OK.
It looks like it might be a problem with this individual library.
The problem is happening with only one particular library – in which I had previously been able to move refs to trash.
You can try restoring the library but before doing so make a backup copy of both the .enl library file and the corresponding .DATA folder. You should now have a copy of both the .enl file and the .DATA folder before proceeding. Now go to the EndNote toolbar, select “Tools” then “Recover Library”. Follow the instructions to recover the library. If the problem persists with the restored library, suggest you contact tech support for assistance in restoring the library: http://www.endnote.com/support/entechform.asp
Is it set to ‘Read Only’? Right-click on the file, select “Properties”, then see if the “Read-only” check box is ticked. If it’s set to ‘Read Only’ untick it and click OK. Then re-open the library.