Capture feature with IEEE xplore and ACM library


I’m trying to use Capture (on the Endote Web 2.8 toolbar for Firefox browser) on the IEEE Xplore database and the ACM digital libraries. It doesn’t seem to understand these web pages, as the information captured is virtually meaningless.

Is there a way for end-users like me to “customize” the Capture tool for other web sites (as EndNote’s import/export used to be customizable)?

Is there a list of web sites that Capture is supposed to work for? The “Help” page says very little, even though this toolbar is version 2.8. I would expect more information for a tool this mature.

If need be, I’d like to request support for Capture on the IEEE Xplore and ACM digital library, since ISI Web of Science does not find all articles listed on these databases.


Cris Fuhrman

Hi Cris,

We will prioritize a capture filter for IEEE xplore for the next release. In the meantime, you may want to try the direct export method. In the Download Citation section in the upper left of the page, select “EndNote, ProCite, RefMan” for the second dropdown and click the >> button. This should launch the EndNote direct export helper application. If you have both installed, you may be prompted to select EndNote or EndNote Web.

Best regards,

Mathilda, the EndNote team