Change "and" to "&"


Is it possible when i incert a reference with two authors to change the “and” to a “&”? I’m written in Danish and it looks weird to have “and” in my thesis. Also, how do I get this to appear the same way in my bibliograhy? 

I’ll give you and example: “(Borland and Macdonald 2003)”
I want this to be look like this: “(Borland & Macdonald 2003)”. 

Thank you in advance! 


You can do this by editing the style you are using.

In EndNote, choose to the style you want to edit.

Edit → Output styles → Edit “style name”

The style will now be opened in an editing window.

Go to Citations → Author Lists

Here you can change author separators from “and” to “&”.

File --Save as → Change name to avoid overwriting important styles → Save

In Word, choose the editied style (the new name you chose) from the EndNote menu using “Select another style”.

I hope this was understandable.

Best wishes

Jan Ove

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Thank you so much! 

Very understandable :-) 


I want to change the “&” to “and”, but when I tried to SAVE AS and then click SAVE, it did not SAVE, but made a Copy, and when I clicked it again a second copy bur never SAVE. Please let me know how can I SAVE it?