I had owned a copy of X4 and started an online account. I ended up buying an entirely new copy of X7 as our University has pricing that is better than the upgrade price, but I haven’t figured out how to associate my Endnote online account with the new serial number. Does anyone know how to do that? Can I only do it by contacting support - I started a ticket but haven’t gotten response yet.
If you have the email address and password for your Endnote online account did you try using it in Endnote X7 tobsync your desktop and web account? Go to the Endnote toolbar and select Preferences > Sync then enter the email address and password then clicl the Enable Sync button. This should allow you to either upgrade or create a 2-year account.
Unfortunately that takes me to a “User Registration” form (with a mandatory marketing survey question – nice touch Thomson Reuters!), and when I fill that out it tells me “Endnote registration could not be completed at this time contact technical support”.
There could be a firewall issue as well - the error messages are so opaque it is hard to tell. I hoped to be able to change that setting online to see if that would help.
Is it possible to delete an online account?
Don’t think users can delete accounts. Since you contacted tech support you might wait for them to get back to you. If you emailed them there’s also a phone number you can call or there’s “chat” (but check the support page as “chat” is available on set hours.). In the meantime, you might uncheck the “sync automatically” setting.
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