Changing the citation style - Update citations and bibliography does not update

Hello everyone,

I am currently using MS Word 2016 and Endnote X7.7.1.

I have been citing in a “numbered” style and would like to change my citation style to lets say “APA”. I followed all the required steps, but unfortunately Word does not update the citations when clicking “Update citations and bibliography”. All citations that are already in the text remain in the old citation style “numbered”. When iserting a new citation, the new style is applied.

Is there any way to change the citation style of ALL the citations in my thesis?

Thanks a lot in advance!

all what required steps? Are the pre-existing citations still fields?  That is are they grey when you put your cursor in them? If you make a copy and unformat the citations (convert citations to  unformated citations) – do they convert to {author, year #recno} or stay as numbers.  – if the later, you have converted them to plain text and they need to be inserted or go back to a backup of your thesis before you started to convert them.  If the former, ensuring your new output style is selected in the manuscript (not the endnote program) should update them to the new format.  

otherwise all you should need to do, is to change the output style in Word on the endnote ribbon, and update, or add a new citation.  They should have magically all converted.  

There are several APA output style files and you may be using the wrong one. You can download the APA 6th output style file from the Endnote support site or use the attached file. Save the output style file to your desktop then double-click the file to activate Endnote then save the file. Next, modify the Endnote settings in the MS Word ribbon to use the new APA 6th output style file.

Refer to the Endnote training video “Cite While You Write in Microsoft Word” for information on selecting and setting up the output style file.
APA 6th.ens (66.8 KB)