There is a problem with citations for a book section when I am using my laptop but not with my desktop. A period and the word “In” are missing between the chapter title and the book title.
For example. It is showing up as this:
Doherty, J. (1997). History of Chemical Exposure Assessment Assessment of Chemical Exposures: Calculation Methods for Environment Professionals (pp. 1-18). Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers.
Instead of this:
Doherty, J. (1997). History of Chemical Exposure Assessment. In Assessment of Chemical Exposures: Calculation Methods for Environment Professionals (pp. 1-18). Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers.
I am using Endnote X4 on both computers but the desktop is running XP and the laptop is on Windows 7. Any ideas or advice on how to fix this? This problem is seen for books with no editors. Edited books are ok.
I am using APA 6th as my style. I know that perhaps there is no point in using a “book section” reference type for a non-edited book but I would still like to know how to fix this.
There may be some confusion about categorizing your book reference. In checking Google Books, Jack Dougherty appears to be the sole author of the book, so the entry should be classified in EndNote as a “Book” reference - not an Edited Book or Book Section. When citing the book as an in-text reference and you wish to identify specific pages, then edit the citation in EndNote to include the page numbers:
(Dougherty, 2007, pp. 1-18).
Edited books will usually identify the editors on either the cover or inside pages. Another clue is that the chapters are written by different authors.
Note: To edit in-text citations in EndNote, place your cursor on the citation then right-click to display the submenu. Then click EDIT CITATIONS, MORE to access the Edit Citations dialog box. (An alternative is to place your cursor on the in-text citation then access the Edit Citations command from the MS Word toolbar.) Then in the Edit & Manage Citations dialog box, just enter the page/page numbers in the PAGES field.
In addition,since there is a difference in how they are handled on the two machines, I assume that the Output styles differ on the two machines. I would open the style on the one that gives what you want, save as to a new name, and email it or put it on a thumbdrive and open it on the other machine, save as to that same name and change your manuscript to point to the newly named output style.
I would do this even when you change this particular record to the appropriate Reference Type.
Just to clarify, what EndNote refers to as “Book Sections” translates to book chapters written by differen authors. Such chapters are usually compiled into a book (hence, the book’s “editor”). In contrast, an unedited book won’t have book sections (i.e., separate chapters written by different authors) - so it should be cited as a book.
To transfer an edited style between computers, locate the .ens output style file which is probably a “Copy” (e.g., APA 6th Copy.ens). (If you’re running Windows (Vista, 7), check the EndNote folder in My Documents; if running XP, check the Programs folder.) Then copy the style file to a media card, thumb drive, CD/DVD, or even email it to yourself. Then it’s just a matter of opening EndNote on the other computer and copying the style file onto that computer (e.g.,., the EndNote folder in My Documents).
As CrazyGecko said, an edited style from Endnote X3 or later will be located in the My Documents/Endnote/Styles folder (no matter which Windows operating system) Only installed endnote styles (that wereinstalled when you installed the program) will be in the Program Folder/Endnote/Styles folder (which is write protected in Vista and latter Windows operating systems).
You should move it to the My documents/Endntoe/Styles folder, or open it with Endnote (it should automatically open in Endnote if you double click it ans let Endnote “save as” and it will automatically save it to the right place and know where to find it.
Thank you so much both of you. It’s all working fine now. I totally forgot that the styles are saved in a different folder.
And yes, I will cite them as books only. I had gotten used to taking notes for each chapter in a book and placing them in separate citations so that I can find them easily again and know which came from which chapter of a book quickly and didn’t think about the implications on bibliography between edited and non-edited books. I am very grateful for all the advice and help and for making me realise I need to fix up my references now. This will save me a lot of headache later when the time comes to submit my thesis.