Cite While You Write in openoffice

please help, I have openoffice and endnoteweb version, I can install Cite While You Write in openoffice and work this way?

or I can only work with While You Write in openoffice in the desktop version X7?

I believe it is only with the desktop version. See and

Now when I install the desktop x7 fails to include LibreOffice plugin.

perform the steps of adding plugin .oxt but does not accept it.

Message: The "EndNote® Cite While You Write ™ 'extension does not work on this machine.

My machine is windows 8 64bits with libreoffice 5.2.2.x


Problem is I want to use Endnote X7 because X8 forces you to be online or sign in or some such thing and due to privacy reasons I don’t want to Endnote to be online and I don’t want Clarivate Analytics taking telemetrics and analyzing my data.  They will end up continuing to lose customers if they continue to do this.   Standalone products should mean standalone software not requiring an internet connection.

So Endnote.oxt for X7 does not work in libreoffice. It gives the following error.  “The extension 'EndNote® Cite While You Write™”.  Other products also require you create an account and have you login.  Probably just end up going open source software from sourceforge as greedy companies buying out endnote wish to turn an originally good product into a product that makes money by stealing your data and potentially sharing with third parties what type of research you are working on (which should be kept private in some cases).  Goodbye Endnote.  You were once a good product.

So sad but true. Time to scrap endnote. There are way too many alternatives that don’t try to steal your data and make you log in.