Citing presentations

Could someone please tell me how to cite a PowerPoint presentation using APA 6th referencing style and Endnote X4? I want the reference to appear like this:

O’Hanlon, N. (2008). Teaching every student: Strategies for reaching a diverse audience online. [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from Ohio State University Knowledge Bank website:

The Online Multimedia reference type is close but it puts (Producer) after the author - does anyone know how I can remove this?

Many thanks

You would edit the output styles template for Online Media.  If there are other Online Media quoted that require other specifics then you may need to create a new Reference Type and associated template in your output style. 

As long as this is what you want for all “online media”, I adapted my version of APA 6th to reflect your output, which is attached.  I assume the word “website” is not in the Distributor field (where I put OSU Knowledge Bank) and is introduced for all records with a URL.  If you have made other changes to the output style, then in Endnote you could open both styles and copy the bibliography template from my version to yours.  - SAVE AS to a new name, and it will be saved to your user folder which is probably in my documents/endnote/styles. 

for the record contents:

Created By 

O’Hanlon, N.




Teaching every student: Strategies for reaching a diverse audience online


Ohio State University Knowledge Bank

Type of Work

PowerPoint slides


This is the output I obtained:

O’Hanlon, N. (2008). Teaching every student: Strategies for reaching a diverse audience online. [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from Ohio State University Knowledge Bank website:

APA 6th corrected Copy.ens (59.1 KB)
APA 6th corrected Copy.ens (59.1 KB)