Could someone please tell me how to cite a PowerPoint presentation using APA 6th referencing style and Endnote X4? I want the reference to appear like this:
You would edit the output styles template for Online Media. If there are other Online Media quoted that require other specifics then you may need to create a new Reference Type and associated template in your output style.
As long as this is what you want for all “online media”, I adapted my version of APA 6th to reflect your output, which is attached. I assume the word “website” is not in the Distributor field (where I put OSU Knowledge Bank) and is introduced for all records with a URL. If you have made other changes to the output style, then in Endnote you could open both styles and copy the bibliography template from my version to yours. - SAVE AS to a new name, and it will be saved to your user folder which is probably in my documents/endnote/styles.
for the record contents:
Created By
O’Hanlon, N.
Teaching every student: Strategies for reaching a diverse audience online