I’ve had an enquiry from a PhD student about editing the way her cited in references appear. The cited references should look like this (Brown 1965: cited in White 1970). she is using the Author-Date style. Both author’s details should also appear in the bibliography. At the moment when she puts the references in using Endnote they appear as (Brown 1965 cited in; White 1970) i.e. with a semi-colon instead of a colon.
Does anyone know how to edit the style so you can make secondary citations appear Brown 1965: cited in White 1970)? I’ve tried using Endnote X4 and I get the same problem with a separation using a colon. If you change the multiple citation separator then that will create a problem with her multiple citations.
Any advice about how to solve this would be very welcome.
has she tried using the prefix box in edit citation for the White endnote citation? I don’t think it will be easy to get colon cited in White, but you will get 1965 semi-colon cited in White.
To add to Leanne’s posting, your student will also need to select both the “Exclude author” and “Exclude year” options and type the entire citation in the “Prefix” field (see Image1). Not a convenient method but it will enable having the colon following the first author’s name.
This will generate the formatted citation shown in Image2.