I’ve been puzzling for a while and can’t figure out how to manage this. I’d like to have multiple citations in a single footnote, separated by a semicolon. I’m using Chicago Style. Something like this:
* On this topic, see Smith, Dinosaurs (New York: Oxford, 2010), 23; Johnson, More Dinosaurs (New York: Columbia, 2008), 45.
How can you accomplish the semicolon between them two citations?
I am aware of the “suffix” function; I can get a semicolon to appear after my first citation, but the period does not dissappear, so the result is: (New York: Oxford, 2010), 23.;
Ok, I think I have it, in case anyone else is looking. Also let me know if there are other ways you accomplish this.
(1) highlight *both* of the citations you want in your endnote library (clicking while holding down command allows you to select multiple references)
(2) back in word, do “insert selected citations” that puts them both in, separated by the “multiple citation separator” that you define in edit > output styles
(3) then edit the second reference, adding the “prefix” "and " to the second one.
The above works *if* you want your references to appear in alphabetical order. If you try and switch the order of your references to how you want them, then the period between the references returns.
Endnote does allow you to re-order the references in the “Edit & Manage Citations” panel. But, if you re-order them, the multiple reference separator feature no longer seems to work.
The above works *if* you want your references to appear in alphabetical order. If you try and switch the order of your references to how you want them, then the period between the references returns.
Endnote does allow you to re-order the references in the “Edit & Manage Citations” panel. But, if you re-order them, the multiple reference separator feature no longer seems to work.
It sounds like in your case you’ll need to edit your output style file instead of editing citations themselves.
The order of the in-text footnote citations may be due to the Footnotes setting of the output style which controls the formatting order. There are 3 settings: 1) Using footnotes format, 2) Same as bibliography, and 3) Same as citations.
Also, the multiple reference separator setting is usually set to a semicolon for Chicago and should be automatic when generating 2 or more citations. Editing the citation to include a semicolon may be working at cross purposes against the multiple reference separator (which likely already has a semicolon).
Hard to say without knowing which Chicago output style file you’re using. Could you attach a copy of the file?