COM exception for X4/Word 2011

Just uploaded the beta of CWYW for Word 2011. On trying to format references or insert new references I get a COM exception error that says “You are not allowed to edit this selection because it is protected.”  How do I fix this problem?

Does this happen with any document or just one? Does a crash follow the COM error?

I hadn’t checked other documents till now but it seems to work fine on the others. I also just found out that the document contains references entered in Word’s bibliography tool.

For me it occurs with documents that contain protected forms even though they do not have any references inserted. I cannot even open them in Word 2011. Have to open them with Word for Windows and save unprotected to be able to reopen in Word 2011 for Mac. Sort of annoying. 

Another way around this problem with Word 2011 … is to open the document in Word 2008. You will see the same COM error, but at least the program doesn’t crash.

How can I temporarily disconnect EndNote from Word 2011? There must be some way to do this, maybe by standing on one leg and clicking with my thumb while opening it? In my case, we need to fill out IRB forms that are protected and that we don’t have to password to.

You can remove the tools form Word by going to the “EndNote X4” menu in EndNote and select the “Customizer” option.  There you can choose to enable or disable the EndNote CWYW tools.