Concerns Endnote "output style" update

Hello Endnote community,

Preparing a manuscript for " Journal of Structural Biology", I found out that the output style of Endnote doesn’t correspond to the references format of the Journal.

The most recent Endnote update, I found is dated 05/27/2008.

Has anyone ever found a more recent update?

Any clue would be welcome.

Working with version X4 on Mac.

Thanks in advance

So as far as I can tell, the differences between the style and the current guidelines (are that the number of authors to include is 5 if there are more than 6, instead of all authors, and that the pages should be given for the book chapters.  But you have chosen to post in a forum that is designed to discuss forum and doesn’t allow attachments, so I can’t post the revised style I created.  Tomorrow, a moderator will probably move it to the endnote styles forum, and then I will revise the text to attach it, if you like.  It is interesting the Author instructions suggest to download a style from the endnote website. 

Billoski, T.V., 1992. Introduction to Paleontology. 6th ed. Institutional Press, New York.

Morehouse, S.I., and R.S. Tung, 1993. Statistical evidence for early extinction of reptiles due to the K/T event. Journal of Paleontology 17, 198-209.

Schwartz, M.T., and T.V. Billoski, 1990. Greenhouse hypothesis: effect on dinosaur extinction, in: B. T. Jones and N. V. Lovecraft (Eds.), Extinction, Barnes and Ellis, New York, pp. 175-189.

Thread moved - so I attach the style I updated… Should also let the styles people know I guess. 

J_Structural_Biology[2011].ens (10.3 KB)