Dear Endnote users,
Can you advise me how to use Endnote to cite a report so that there is an abbreviated corporate name in the text citation but the authors are included in the references section. E.g. for a report I would like (ISG 2007) in the text. Then I would like the authors individually name in the bibliography. Ideally, although not so important, it would also be good to have ‘Independent Scientific Group’ also somewhere in the reference in the bibliography.
I’m newish to Endnote after having been using it properly over the last month or two. However, I wonder why its not fairly obvious how to do this as a ‘report’, since many reports are written by several authors, cited by the abbreviation of the committee or council in the bibliography, but the committee abbreviation is not always well known, so its good to have the full corporate name in bibliography as well.
The closest I have got it using ‘generic’ but then the system puts the authors in as editors and not in the right place.
Using Endnote Web only and APA style. Any help very gratefully received…
Many thanks