I have about 1000 references that are missing DOI’s. I could search for these using CrossRef in a semi-automated way and copy/paste them into Endnote but this is tedious.
From reading the online help, I thought that I could create a custom Connection to do this. I tried making a copy of the existing CrossRef connection and modifying it to match title and year but I couldn’t get this to work.
I wondered if anyone has tried this and if they could share a succesful Connection with me? Or if you have any recommendations on easy ways to create modify the existing CrossRef connection, that would also be great!
I right click and use the “Find Reference updates” which will find the DOI if there is one? I usually don’t do more than 10 at time though, as I understand that PubMed could interpret too many at once as a denial of service attack and block your access (or your institutions access). I also usually do this before I try to receive the PDF from my institutional access using “find full text” option. .
Thanks for the feedback. I did originally have about 1700 references with no DOI’s. I used the approach you described and that found about another 500 DOI’s. So I still have a large number of references with no DOIs which I wanted to try the different approach.