CWYW plug-in vs word 2016

Here’s what i did to get it to [FINALLY] work. It’s a variant of this article, but much simpler:

First, I used this link to download the EndNote CWYW Word 2016.dmg app.

Ran the app. It appears as a folder in APPLICATIONS. Right beneath it is the ENDNOTE X7 folder.  I copied the “EndNote CWYW Word 2016.bundle”  in the Cite While You Write folder to the Endnote X7/cite whileypu write folder. Ran customizer again, and there it was.




If the information is vital, you need to capture the link at the bottom of the knowledgebase article – the link you provided is a temporary link and will not work for others.  

Thank you for the link to the clear instructions for Windows 10 and Word 2016.

I discovered that I cannot “Add” EndNote Cite While You Write because the location for the file “EndNote Cwyw.dll” is hidden in “Program Files (x86)\EndNote X4\ EndNote.exe” 

In both my locations for “Common Files” there is no “ResearchSoft\ …”

I did for EndNote the “repair.” The EndNote software seems fine. I just can’t do the Add-in to get Cite WhileYou Write, which is so useful. 

Is there anything else I can do?