Double-click PDF to launch it

I can get past most of the other UI/UX atrocities in this ancient software, but I can’t find how to launch a PDF by just double-clicking on it. This is utterly basic functionality, so I presume I’m missing something, somewhere.

Any help to learn how to do this?


Endnote’s viewing of PDF files is dictated by the default setting in your computer operating system. So you would need to specify the program to be used (e.g., Adobe Acrobat) when opening .pdf files.

Yes, I know that, but it’s not the issue. The issue is that launching PDFs is horrendously user-unfriendly and slow when it could be simple and fast, and all it has to do is follow a 30±year-old computer standard (double-click to launch).

It’s not like people don’t use EN for PDF storage/referencing…

When I double click on the PDF in a record, it opens just fine (and always has).  

EndNoteX7.7.1 on windows currently.   

Yes, if you scroll down to it in the reference pane, which is more annoying than right-clicking it in the preview window.

It’s a a shame the people who design the program aren’t users of it.