Downloading and opening endnote style triggers import filter window.


I have Endnote X7 and I am interested in downloading the style for “Nature Chemistry.”

Downloading and opening the style file from

triggers an import filter window in Endnote X7.  I am not sure what to select.  Also, this doesn’t seem like it matches the procedure described here.

Installing Individual Styles

    Download the style you want to install.
    Double-click the style file.  It should open in EndNote.
    In EndNote, go to “File Menu” and choose “Save As”.  Replace the word “copy” with your style’s name and click “Save”.
    Click on “File Menu” and choose “Close Style”.

What am I doing wrong?



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This is a known issue with a recent version of Firefox, Its seems that Firefox changes the style file into a txt file, making EndNote not understanding that this is a style file.

Solution 1.

Use another browser (Edge or Chrome).

Solution 2.

Save the style file in Firefox manually and making sure that the file ending is .ens and not ens.txt.

Best wishes

Jan Ove