Duplicate citation



I noticed something weird today. I had cited one reference and I wanted to cite another reference next to it. However, I selected the old reference by mistake again. Endnote cited it in text only once. However, when I went to “Edit & Manage Citations”, the same reference appeared twice. Please see attached screenshot to better understand what I mean. I think this is a bug and is not expected behaviour.

I think that “Edit & Manage Citations” should have displayed the reference only once (not twice). Alternatively, I should have received a warning that this citation has already been cited and cannot be cited again.

Thank you.

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Perhaps, but Endnote has a setting in preferences to removed duplicated citations in the reference list. This is particularly important if two authors have their own libraries and might introduce the same citation in their section of the manuscript, which you wouldn’t want listed twice in the bibliography. It would be annoying if they were told they couldn’t add their version to the manuscript in another section and HAD to use the same as a prior author used?

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Thank you for you reply. Where is this option?

In Endnote, Edit>Preferences>formatting – make sure “Merge duplicates in bibliography” is checked. (EndnoteX9) Don’t know if still there, but I assume so in Endnote20.

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IN X9, I go under references to Find duplicates… and get a nice side-by-side display that lets me reconcile the duplicate by moving info from one of the dupes to the other and then choosing one to keep.