Elsevier’s Saunders Style (Style 7)

How can I downlowd Saunders Style (Style 7) for endnote 8?

When requesting help, it really helps us if you at least provide the name of the publication  or university setting requiring the style and a link to where the style is described, in detail, so we can look at it and hopefully come up with something close, if it isn’t in the endnote style collection by name.  

Thanks for replying, the book name is Biomaterials for Cancer Therapeutics and the submission is via Elsevier online submission system.

Below is the information about Saunders Style (Style 7) from Elsevier guidelines

Saunders Style (Style 7): In-text citations: All citations in the text should refer to: 1. Single author: the author’s name (without initials, unless there is ambiguity) and the year of publication; 2. Two authors: both authors’ names and the year of publication; 3. Three or more authors: first author‟s name followed by ‘et al.’ and the year of publication. Citations may be made directly (or parenthetically). Groups of references should be listed first alphabetically, then chronologically. Examples: “as demonstrated (Allan, 2000a, 2000b, 1999; Allan and Jones, 1999). Kramer et al. (2010) have recently shown …”.

Reference list: References should be arranged first alphabetically and then further sorted chronologically if necessary. More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, etc., placed after the year of publication.

Examples for reference list:

Adams MJ, Briscoe BE, Sinha SK: Interface friction and energy dissipation in soft solid processing applications. In Dowson D, Taylor CM, Childs THC, et al, editors: Dissipative processes in tribology, vol 27, Amsterdam, 1994, Elsevier, pp 223–234.

Assink EHM, Verloop N: Her aanleren van deel–geheel relaties [Teaching part-whole relations], Pedagog Stud 54:130– 142, 1977.

Chaddock TE: Gastric emptying of a nutritionally balanced liquid diet. In Daniel EE, editor: Proceedings of the first international symposium on gastrointestinal motility, Vancouver, 1974, Mitchell Press, pp 83–92. College bound seniors, Princeton, 1979, College Board Publications.

Douglis F, Ball T: Tracking and viewing changes on the web. In Proceedings of the 1996 USENIX technical conference, Amsterdam, 1996, Elsevier.

Glaser R, Bond L, editors: Testing: Concepts and Research (special issue), Am Psychol 36(10):412–417, 1981. H1 Collaboration: Measurement of deeply virtual Compton scattering at HERA, Eur Physical J C 44(1):1–11, 2005.

Kirkman RL, Mitford EL, Luskin RS: The New England Organ Bank: lessons from running a regional bank, Clin Transplant 37(2):317–324, 1993

Will you use cited pages or anything fancy like that in the in-text citations? 

No just author-date as explained in the description for the Saunder Style 7.

Is there any style that is close to Saunder so that I can use.


It is a very strange style, and I couldn’t find a match in author year styles – It is strange because in the bibliography, the year is no where near the authors, so finding the match is a pain for the reader.  I can find numbered styles that put the year near the end, but I just bit the bullet and started with an author Year output style and fixed the basic ref types.  

See if this works for you (it is attached in a zip file).  Make sure you open the zip then open the file in endnote, which it should do automatically and “save as” and you can removed the “copy” part it appends.  – then also make sure your manuscript has that style in your endnote ribbon. 

Elsevier-Saunders-style 7.zip (1.67 KB)

Thank you so much!