Hi, I am looking for an endnote style in the library which uses the folowing description for a journal. Which one can I use?
Journal articles. Last name of first author, followed by initials, initials and last names of each coauthor; title of article (first word only capitalized); name of journal (abbreviated as in Serial Sources for the BIOSIS Data Base, published by BioSciences Information Service), volume, inclusive pages, and year.
Example: 1. Haselton, F. R., R. E. Parker, R. J. Roselli, and T. R. Harris. Analysis of lung multiple indicator data with an effective diffusivity model of capillary exchange. J. Appl. Physiol. 57:98−109, 1984.
I assume you have checked whether Endnote has the specific style by the journal name by going to the webstyle finder from the help menu of endnote?
It often helps to know the publisher or the subject of the publication, as other journals by that publisher or other journals in a specific field are often similar.
You would also need to know how in the text the numbers are to be represented (in parentheses, square brackets, superscripted, etc). (and whether they are listed/numbered in order of appearance or alphabetically)
The journal abbreviation setting is defined by the style and a user modification of the “Journal Terms List” which needs to be applied to your library. See this knowledge article to explain this: www.endnote.com/kb/82228
Here is one that is in the “set” one of the participants of the forum created a while ago. http://community.thomsonreuters.com/t5/EndNote-Styles-Filters-and/Style-templates-collection/td-p/3887/page/2
The first one on this page, matches your criteria to some extent, although bolding and italics may need to be adjusted. The code to the naming of these is related to how the first and subsequent authors are to be listed (Surname Given Initials and Givenname initials Surname, (SGGS) and then the fields that follow and whether bolded and italicized.
Learning to edit a close style is usually more quickly done than finding the precise style in the >4000 available styles, if it isn’t there by name in the collection. – and even if it is, they are not all updated to the current requirements, unless users let the Endnote people know they have changed…
Thank you for the information. The journal is called Annals of Biomedical Engineering, which is not in the database. I was actually able to design my own style for journal articles for this, except for the “abbreviated as in Serial Sources for the BIOSIS Data Base, published by BioSciences Information Service” part. How to abbreviate the journal title when creating a style in Endnote?
This page explains how to make EndNote output styles work with journal abbreviations
John-Arnold, do you know of a journal tems list that includes the Serial Sources for the BIOSIS Data Base, published by BioSciences Information Service)? I don’t know if that is one of the columns in the current available terms lists?
Nevermind. I think this link from the University of Queensland, provides the information to find a terms list file you will need. and which abbreviation column to change your output style to utilize.