EN 8 crashes in Sierra upon open

I installed EN 8 on my Retina MacBookPro, 15", 2 GHz Intel Core i7, 16GB RAM, OS X 10.12.1. It worked fine for a few days. Now it is crashing on opening. The crash log is attached. Anyone else have this problem, or a fix for it?

Teplow-EN8-Crash-Log.txt (58.9 KB)

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Greetings teplow,

It sounds like EndNote may be attempting to open a damaged library while launching.  Do you happen to know where you’ve created your EndNote library?  By default, EndNote would suggest saving it within your Documents folder, but you may have chosen to save the file elsewhere.  I’d suggest locating your EndNote library to temporarily move the library file , and its associated .Data folder, somewhere else on your hard drive.  If this library has become damaged, and you move the library components elsewhere prior to relaunching EndNote X8, the application should launch without being able to access the possibly damaged library.  If this test works for you, I’d suggest attempting to recover the library:


Please let me know what you find.

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Thanks Jimmy. I very much appreciate your super fast response. I have rebooted my computer and tried to open the same library, which is stored in Dropbox. The app did not crash this time. Why don’t I just keep an eye on this situation.? If the crash recurs, I’ll do what you suggest. For now, I’m up and running again.

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I believe that TR strongly recommends you don’t keep your library on dropbox. If it is left open on one machine and opened on another, or not closed properly, it will eventually get corrupted and you can lose your groups and PDFs, for example.

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Hi Leanne:

Thanks very much for your help. I understand. However, for me, and I think many others, Dropbox, Box, and similar services are our “go to” approach for file sharing/synchronization. It’s easier to have one central repository of files than a cloud-based Endnote library at Thomoson Reuters, a Mendeley library at Mendeley, an iCloud repository for other files, etc. 

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I moved my enlp library to the desktop. I fished out the .enl file from the enlp. file and used EN8 to recover the library. When EN8 tried to recover the library, it crashed. No joy over here.

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The enl file has nothing worth anything in it.  The important piece to have is the .DATA folder and contents.  the .enl file is really just a pointer.  

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Now I can’t even open EN8 to try to rebuild the library. Attached is the crash log. Thanks again!

Teplow-EndNote8-Crash-Log.txt (51.6 KB)

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what notive at you pc?

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Call tech support.  The numbers are at www.endnote.com/support – we are users and we can’t help you!

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Thanks Leanne. I’ll do so.