EN Export odd behavior

I am tryiing to export my EN library to BibTex. I use the standard EN Output Style ‘BibTeX Export.’ In the record’s preview window for a record in the library window, the BiBTex formatting looks fine. But when I use EN’s Export function, the exported file loses the BibTex formating.

When I am exporting, the output style is BibTex export style, I export as a text file, and change the file extension to .bib as needed by LaTex. Any ideas how to fix the problem?

From record’s preview window:

   Author = {Sharpe, William F.},
   Title = {Capital asset prices: A theory of market equilibrium under conditions of risk},
   Journal = {The Journal of Finance},
   Volume = {19},
   Number = {3},
   Pages = {425-442},
   Keywords = {CAPM
Market risk},
   Year = {1964} }

From the exported bib file for the same record (127 is the record # in my EN library):

127    Journal Article    William F. Sharpe    1964    Capital asset prices: A theory of market equilibrium under conditions of risk        The Journal of Finance            19        3    425-442                    Sep 1964            Capital asset prices: A theory of market equilibrium under conditions of risk                                                        Sharpe1964    CAPM
Market risk   

In X2 or X3, Endnote stopped assuming you wanted to export with the currently selected style (which is what you see in Preview) and now has a dropdown menu in the export dialog window.  I suspect that you have a different style there, than in the Endnote library view.  For Example, my export is defaulting to  Chicago 15th A, while my library is showing my numbered style (and that is what the preview shows me). 

Thanks but doesn’t seem to be the problem. I did make a selection of the BibTex Export output style in the Export fuction. Weird.

Any other ideas?

BTW, I am using EndNote X1.

In that case, – really weird.  I can’t explain it.  Sorry!  


Download the latest BibTex output style from http://endnote.com/support/enstyles.asp.  I could replicate your problem with the original BibTex output style that came with EnX1.  At some point in 2008 I must have created a newer version. I see the latest version is dated 11/16/2009. This one works just fine.
