I’m using Endnote X6 to manage my bibliography, and I’m writing reports using both MS Word and LATEX.
For the purpose of being able to easily transpose a .docx document to a LATEX one, i’m trying to export the Record Number to my bibtex database.
I modified the Output style “Bibtex export” to my purpose, and it’s seems to be working in preview mode (in Style Manager), but when I do the export, I can’t find the Record Number.
More precisely, I’ve added this line in bibliography template for each docuement type i’m interested in :
endnotekey = {
Record Number`},
As stated above, this is working in the preview mode, but not on the acual export…
Is there something wrong in the way I modified the template or is this a wrong behavior of endnote?
Thanks for your help !
PS: Attach, my modified Output style
BibTeX Export with record number.ens (70.1 KB)