Endnode X8 freeze when importing references from scholar or pubmed after Mac 10.12.5 update


I updated my late 2016 MBP recently to 10.12.5 and since then Endnode X8 freezes when importing references downloaded either from Google scholar (.ris file) or Pubmed (.nbib file).

Thats very frustrating. Can anyone provide a fix for this?

Thank you,


You will need to determine if the issue is library specific or not.

I would use File then New to start a new library. I would then suggest you export from PubMed or Google Scholar to the new library.

If the new library does not crash then issue might be library specific.

If you are not using the EndNote Sync feature then you can try the Recover Library steps found on our website to repair your library.


If you are using Sync then please contact Technical Support on how to proceed.

Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. Eastern (GMT -5)

+1-800-336-4474, press 4

or via the web at


If the new library crashes then try the following steps to reset EndNote.


I am having the same problem and it appears to not be library specific. However, when I follow the above link to reset Endnote (“endnote.com/kb/82201”) it says ‘page not found’. Please can you advise how to reset?

The link in the previous post was based on our older Knowledge Base system.

You can find the current link on how to reset EndNote here:


If you continue to have an issue then please contact Technical Support directly:

1-800-336-4474 option 4 then 1



We are here to help whenever you run into issues.