EndNote 20.5: How can multiple citations be automatically rearranged by “publication year” as new citations are inserted?

EndNote 20.5: How can multiple citations be automatically rearranged by “publication year” as new citations are inserted?

For example, in the screenshot below, the last inserted citation is from 2024. How can this citation be automatically rearranged to appear as the second citation?

I’m aware that this can be done manually using the “Edit & Manage Citations” tool, but what I want is for the citations to be automatically ordered by year, which makes more sense.

In the sort order for Citations for the output style you are using. Then you need to save as (do not use the same name if the style was one of the installed styles) then change the document in word to use this newly edited style. The bibliography should still use Author +year in the sorting.

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Thank you for your help.

However, how can I rearrange them in descending order instead of ascending order?