Sort references by publication date

This is probably a silly question. I want to sort my references in Endnote X2 (Mac version) by publication date. When I sort by year it lists them by year then author in alphabetical order i.e. 2008 Z - 2008 A. If I sort by date then year it sorts them Dec 2008 - XXXX, November 2008 - XXXX etc. All I want is to see in order the references by publication date i.e. those published today are first going back in descending order with the last reference the first reference published in the field not the reference with the oldest date with the author beginning with A.

Are you sorting by clicking on the headings?  Clicking on them a second time should reverse the order.  If you want to sort using multiple criteria, try sorting via the references menu, and selecting the different sort orders there and max to min or min to max.