EndNote 8 crashes on Sierra (10.12.4)

Thanks for tip. I’ll try this to see if there is any stability 

AmandaNorton. Fortunately I didn’t come across this issues. Hopefully community here would help you with this issue. 

kk_hawaii, unfortunately, this didn’t solve issue on my end. :frowning:

There is also issue with upgrading from Endnote X8.0.0.12000 to X8.0.1.12626? 

Did anyone managed to install this update? Done update couple of times but nothing has installed.

I still am not able to update from X8.0.0.12000 to X8.0.1.12626. 
I’ve tried multiple times and it hasn’t updated successfully. 

Hello all,

I am sorry to only repeat the problems that other users also seem to have: I am a Mac User, have the newest version of Endnote X8, updated on Sierra 10.12.6, word 2016. 

Endnote crashes and freezes when I try to open attached pdfs or just even a reference, I can’t even work for 2 mins, have to force Endnote to shut down. Word is not even open, I just want to use the library for the moment. 

What I did: 1) Updated everything (Endnote and Sierra) 2) put the library from desktop to home directory 3) reinstalled Endnote.

Any other ideas?

I am grateful for help.

Try what they guy above said:

This problem of Endnote freezing persists with X8.0.1 and macOS 10.12.6.

There are strong indications that the PDF previewing is the culprit, regardless if the PDF file has lots of annotations or not. 

I have for now switched my my view in local library mode to not show any PDF page, meaning these are the settings “bottom preview”, “right preview”, and “references only”.

So far this has increased stability, but I cannot say for sure that this is a fully functional workaround against freezing. There will be moments also when we need to verify any new attachments to be correct :-/

I open PDFs via the keyboard shortcut opt-cmd-P that launches the configured external PDF viewing app.

did you ever find a solution other than disabling the sync function it appears that I’m having the same problem

did you ever find a solution other than disabling the sync function it appears that I’m having the same problem

For me, what solved the problem on Mac Sierra…

I moved the PDF folder from the .Data Folder you have with all the attached PDFs from you library…

you move it out from the .Data file…

if you use Cite while righting you will not experience crashes anymore…

…if you have the same incomptibilty I had between Mac Suerra and End NOte 8…



This worked for me - thanks. 

I was having same problem with Endnote X8.2 and Sierra 10.12.6