Endnote is adding in another reference to my doc. So the first in-text citation is (2). There’s an extra ref in the bibliography, appearing as (1). It’s from my Endnote library but I haven’t put it in the word doc. I tried removing it from the bibliography, but on “Update citations and bibliography” it comes back. Driving me mad.
Endnote 21, Word on Office 365, Win10 PC.
Any suggestions from the wise as to how to get Endnote to behave would be appreciated.
Are you absolutely certain that there are no endnote citations in a “text box” with a figure legend, for example? These will often appear as (1) as word “finds” those first in organizing field order. There are tricks to have it “appear” in order of appearance, in a more appropriate place, but if you want the citation to also appear in the box/table you may have to manually add the right number and introduce it as hidden text in the manuscript in an appropriate spot (for example in the parenthetical reference to the figure or table), while you are writing.
You can find where endnote thinks it is by right clicking in your first citation – then edit citation, more, and move up or down the list to the one that is a mystery citation and it should jump to the location in the word document as in the image below, where I inserted two citations into a text box below the 3rd citation in the text itself. .
Leanne, you’re a genius. It was in a figure legend. Many thanks.
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I don’t get that kind of praise very often! LOL
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Leanne…you should! You are!!!