Endnote checking for citations in text

I have Endnote X on a Mac.  Everytime I put something in parantheses in my text–say I want to give an abbreviation for something like “lupus anticoagulant (LAC),” endnote tries to put in a citation.  It’s really annoying.  It also searches my entire document every time I open it trying to make say “(Figure 1)” a citation.  Is there any way to turn this off???



it sounds like somehow you have the regular parentheses specified as the endnote citation delimiters.  There are two places this could have happened.  One, in the format bibliography interface.  (Temporary citation delimiters) they should be curly brackets {} rather than (). 

the other is less likely to have been changed, but it would be in the edit preferences, temporary citation setting. 

That worked!  Thank you!  I was about to lose it.

Katie wrote this 14/4/2011 

I have Endnote X on a Mac.  Everytime I put something in parantheses in my text–say I want to give an abbreviation for something like “lupus anticoagulant (LAC),” endnote tries to put in a citation.  It’s really annoying.  It also searches my entire document every time I open it trying to make say “(Figure 1)” a citation.  Is there any way to turn this off??? 

and Leanne wrote this reply on 14/4/2011 which Katie says worked for her 

it sounds like somehow you have the regular parentheses specified as the endnote citation delimiters.  There are two places this could have happened.  One, in the format bibliography interface.  (Temporary citation delimiters) they should be curly brackets {} rather than (). the other is less likely to have been changed, but it would be in the edit preferences, temporary citation setting. 

I am using Endnote Basic ( free on line version) and the same problem is happening for me as happened Katie but I can’t find the ‘format bibliography’ interface on the Endnote Basic Screen.  Can anybod please help me. 

Not sure.  I can’t find these settings in the basic version either.  – is it a normal parentheses pair, you have having trouble with, or a phrase with curly brackets?