I have a Word doc that I have used before containing unformated references in this style: {Fischer, 1996 #67}
In Word, I go to Tools / EndNote and then select “Configure Bibliography”.
I get the usual dialog and tell it OK.
Then it searches for unformatted refs and it cannot find the first one. In the EndNote library, which is open in EndNote at the time, I see that reference. It is there, it is the right name, year, and record #.
If I hit Ignore, it has a problem with the second one, and then the third, etc – it cannot find ANY of them.
I notice that the bottom of the dialog box says “Library:” but there is nothing after.
Another clue I got – somehow it managed to format one and when I used the “Unformat citations” command, the code in the Word doc was now {Fischer, “title”} where “title” is the title of the article, instead of {Fischer, 1996 #67}.
What is going on here?? It used to work fine! It also could not find my Styles, even though I see them in my folder and in Preferences I double checked that it was looking in the right place.
I am using EndNote x7.7 for Mac OS (OS 10.10.5) with Word for Mac 2011. Thanks!!!